Please make sure to choose the version of AlbumEasy that is compatible with your operating system.
Windows (7 and newer) | AlbumEasySetupV4.5.0.exe (20 MB) | |
Mac (OS 10.15 and newer) | AlbumEasySetupV4.5.0.pkg (41 MB) | |
Linux (64 bit) | AlbumEasySetupV4.5.0_64bit.tgz (36 MB) |
The latest example files are included as part of the AlbumEasy install.
In addition, a fresh copy of the examples may be downloaded here.
These are identical to the files that are included with the install.
AlbumEasy Examples | (5 MB) |
AlbumEasy is Open Source software. Source code is available here.
Source Code | Browse or download the AlbumEasy source code |
Downloads to accompany the video tutorials that can be found towards the bottom of the documentation page.
Adding images to album pages | |
Using fonts with AlbumEasy | |
The Mac release of AlbumEasy has only been made possible thanks to the generosity of the folks at MacStadium who have kindly provided a free virtual Mac to aid in its development.